Alternative Behavior Strategies, Inc. has recently expanded into Southern California. It has taken some time to get established but, we are happy to report, that treatment options are alive and well.


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Our main office, in Rancho Cucamonga, is easy to locate and access. However, all services- from the Intake Assessment to ABA Treatment are available in home and community settings.

Many families have been waiting for us to vendor with Inland Regional Center and San Diego Regional Center. We are happy to announce that this is finally complete and services are available. (Other major insurances are also accepted). Please fill out the interest form on our Service Page.

We have been attending local events to reach out to children and families in the community. We recently attended RUSD Special Needs Fair in Riverside, CA and ran into some of our new families! The area is heavily populated but the community is tightly knit and involved in services and programs. We have had a wonderful time getting to know people in this area!


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